Saturday, June 26, 2010

Discovery Park

Today was a beautiful summer day in Seattle. We have had very few of these days this year and so we decided to take advantage of it and head to Discovery Park.

We found little crab everywhere. The boys would turn a rock over and several crab would dig themselves deeper into the sand. Cade was even okay holding them and having them pinch him (see Birch Bay post).

I can't remember what these are called. You can stick you finger in the middle and they close up around it. There were also ones that you poke and they squirt you with water.

Maddy found this still alive clam. I think this is our first time finding a live one. The others are all eaten by the birds.

These are the only starfish we saw.

We saw 5 or 6 jellyfish. This is the only one that looked like it might still be alive. Might. We also saw clear and red ones. The red ones are pretty nasty because they look like they are full of blood. Yuck.

The kids posing with Mt Rainier in the background.

On our way out, Maddy spied this little pest. A raccoon. First time I have seen one not on the side of the road.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Maddy's 5th Grade Graduation

Maddy's last day of grade school is tomorrow. TOMORROW. Sometimes I believe it. She really can act kind of grown up. Other days I watch her be so silly, I really can't believe it. Today was her graduation or promotion.

It was a really nice program. The principal spoke, the 5th graders sang and the teachers each gave their little goodbye speeches. The PTA gave each student a Jones Soda Bottle with a picture of the 3 5th grade teachers wearing silly glasses on them.

Here Maddy is with 2 of her BFFs. I am so glad these 3 are friends. They are just genuinely good girls. Love them!

Congratulations, Maddy!

Cade's 7th Birthday

Cade has been so excited for his 7th birthday. He kept asking when we were going to get his birthday presents. Then it was when are you going to wrap them? Can I open one (2 days before)? Can I at least hold it?
The big day finally arrived and guess who was up at 4am? Yes, it was Cade.
The afternoon of Cade's birthday, I walked with his class to the park for their end of year party. Matt was going to pick up some cupcakes at Safeway and drop them off. All they had were graduation ones. Oh well. No one complained.
Granny Janny came over to visit and made wacky cake which Cade requested. So yummy!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Poetry Night

Every year Cade's teacher, Miss M, puts on a poetry night. The kiddos each write a poem and a page about themselves and Miss M makes books out of them all. She makes a stage for the performers and decorates the room with Christmas lights. They even do matching tie-dyed shirts. One at a time the students get up and read their poem. This is Cade's:

I was 3. I had a dog. His name was Sparky. He was mean. So we sold him.
Then we got Nigel. He was 5 years old. He was cute.

Nice job, Cade!